FIFA 20: Complete all Week 4 season 1 objectives

Below we offer you the solution to all Week 4 season 1 objectives in FIFA 20, so you don’t resist any.

Here we tell you how to complete all the objectives of week 4 season 1 in FIFA 20, so that they do not become as complicated as in previous times.

How to start weekly challenges

You can find the weekly challenges in the FUT Central tab of the Ultimate Team, within the title of the season’s goals. Once you have completed all the objectives of the bronze-type week, the silver ones and finally the gold ones will be unlocked.

FIFA 20 desafios

You have two weeks to complete them, and all the experience you accumulate will go to the season level that will allow you to unlock different cosmetics.

How to complete all the challenges of week 4 season 1 of FIFA 20

Bronze challenges

  • Play three games in any Ultimate Team mode and you will receive 360 ​​experience
  • Get three midfield assists in any Ultimate Team mode and you will get 540 experience
  • Score two goals with a striker in any mode and gain 630 experience
  • Buy a player outside the transfer market and gain 270 experience

Upon completing all of the above objectives you will receive a reward of 200 experience

Silver challenges

  • Play four games in any Ultimate Team mode and gain 500 experience
  • Help and assist in four separate games and gain 1100 experience
  • Win four matches in any mode and gain 900 experience
  • Score four goals in a match and gain 1100 experience

Reward for overcoming all these silver challenges are 400 experience

Gold challenges

  • Score a goal in two Rivals matches using a player with a minimum pace of 85 and a maximum of 73 shooting and you will gain 800 experience
  • Score a goal in Rivals with a low shot with a player who has a minimum pace of 85 and gains 800 experience
  • Score a goal using a player with a minimum pace of 85 and a weak three-star maximum and get 1350 experience
  • Help in a goal in Rivals using player with a minimum pace of 85 and a maximum score of 75 and you will get 1650 experience

If you overcome these four golden challenges you will get a general reward of 733 experience.

With this you already know how to complete all the objectives of week 4 season 1 of FIFA 20.

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