Mario Kart Tour

Take out 5 Snowpeople in Mario Kart Tour

This is how can you take out 5 Snowpeople in Mario Kart Tour. Do you want to spill a snowman in Mario Kart Tour? You are told in which races to find them!

Take out 5 Snowpeople in Mario Kart Tour

In Mario Kart Tour, Nintendo takes challenges every Wednesday. This week it was update day and the winter season has come to the fore in mobile gaming. New circuits, new drivers, but especially new challenges because this is what interests us in this article. One of the challenges is unheard of and will ask you to knock down a snowman.

This challenge is super easy to achieve because you can find snowmen in the first race of the game. But if you have not noticed, we are here to help!

Snowmen in Mario Kart Tour

Who says snow says snowmen! This is good because in the very first circuit, Alpes DK, you will be able to find. To overthrow them, it will be enough to go inside. In order to validate the challenge, it is necessary to reproduce the action 5 times.

You will find the snowmen on the side of the race but still on the track. No need therefore to go on a non-practicable ground just stay on the road.

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