Mario Kart Tour

Do 20 jump boosts in a single race in Mario Kart Tour

In this guide we give you the solution to do 20 jump boosts in a single race in Mario Kart Tour, so you can overcome one of the weekly challenges that have just been released.

The new weekly challenges of Mario Kart Tour are already available, and among them is the one to make a jump with acceleration 20 times in a single race, and we give you all the details below so you can overcome it.

Solution to do 20 jump boosts in a single race in Mario Kart Tour

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We give you all the details so you can overcome this challenge by recommending the best circuit, vehicle and driver.

Best driver to overcome the challenge

We can use any pilot to overcome this challenge, although we obviously recommend that you select one that you master perfectly.

Best circuit to overcome the challenge

Among all the circuits we have been able to test, we recommend the Tokyo Blur T of the Rosalina cup. This is because it is a circuit full of ramps, obstacles and also many jumps that will help us overcome the challenge.

In case you don’t know, the speed increases for the jumps are a little speed boost that you get every time your vehicle jumps. As we have told you, this circuit is perfect because it has many obstacles and also jump impulses. You must be especially attentive to the last section of the circuit where you will find a multitude of jump impulses on the left side of the section.

With this you already have the solution to do 20 jump boosts in a single race in Mario Kart Tour. Remember that we have also given you the solution to all the weekly challenges:

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